Velocio's seven commandments for the cyclist:
1. Keep your rests short and infrequent to maintain your rhythm.
2. Eat before you are hungry and drink before you are thirsty.
3. Never ride to the point of exhaustion where you can't eat or sleep.
4. Cover up before you are cold, peel off before you are hot.
5. Don't drink, smoke, or eat meat on tour.
6. Never force the pace, especially during the first hours.
7. Never ride just for the sake of riding.
The man was a genuis and a cycling legend and all, but never ride for the sake of riding? That's the only reason I throw the leg over a bike some days, just for the sake of it.
Everything Old is New Again
When we were growing up, the year 2000 was short-hand for ‘the future.’ Now
we’re a quarter century past that landmark. To celebrate that landmark,
16 hours ago