Sunday, January 04, 2015

2014 annual report

2014 wasn't my best year on the bike, but it was one of my most enjoyable. I tend to look back at the end of each year and the raw stats look like this: 4,359km in 215 hours for an average speed of 20.28km/h. I rode 188 times, with an average ride distance of 30km. My longest ride was 193km.

With the advent of Strava, there's a second set of numbers though. Since I don't count my usually short commute in the total 'actual' figure it doesn't quite tell the full story. According to Strava, I rode 5405km in 273 hours and throws in the intriguing statistic that I climbed 57,134m along the way. So there you go, not such a bad year after all, but not quite as good as the year before last, which was a record I wasn't going to equal thanks in part to a working trip to China.

2014 also marked the final year of a decade back on the bike. Quite unnoticed the milestone of 50,000km slipped by, most likely on a ride out on Bruny Island. The effort took slightly under 2500 hours in 1283 rides - the longest being 387km in the 2008 Oppy

And so the year begins anew. I noticed that the odometer on my Garmin had kindly reset itself to zero on New Year's Day.

1 comment:

lancefieldlairs said...

Excellent year. Amazing how the short rides add up.